there sorry for the lack of posts recently I have been super busy and barely had any time to myself to write posts. So here’s a quick one.. As many of you will have seen in February me and George went away with our family again, a not so small fifteen of us. That 10 adults and 5 children, over the last few years we have all gone away as a group (steadily growing each year). Last year we went to Aruba in the Caribbean and the year before was Cyprus (originally Cape Verde but due to pregnancies had to be changed – Damn Zika). This year we went in the February half term to Disneyland Paris, a place I had never been to before. George and his sisters had been multiple times as they were growing up and they felt I had 100% missed out as a child.
Day 1 – Hello Disneyland Paris
Day one in Disneyland started bright and early to make the most of our extra magic hours as we were staying inside the park. It was a short walk for us up the river to the entrance of Disney Village where there are shops, restaurants, coffee shops and much more.

Once entering Disneyland Park the walk down to the iconic castle is lined with colorful shops an cafes, it is just too pretty. Earlier in the morning it is much quieter, later on it is bustling with people shopping, taking pictures and moving on to the park next door.

Queuing for rides is pretty picturesque, waiting to go on Indiana Jones one of the best rides. All whilst the rest of the family where in the children’s bit with there little ones (oops).

After lunch we ventures into the Walt Disney Studios park, there are yet more big rides for the big kids in the park. Hollywood Tower as seen in this picture being one of my faves, also Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith which is to the left of Hollywood Tower and out of shot.

There are lots of shops, stalls around the park to pick up your souvenirs with literally thousands of Disney toys and souvenirs inside. My advice would be to buy mos souvenirs before you arrive and treat yourself to one or two special items. Some items are Disneyland Paris exclusive just to bear in mind.

The Disney Parade starts at 5pm on the main street, all of the Disney characters glide past on amazing floats to music with lots of smoke and a fire breathing dragon. We had picked possibly THE worst day to watch the parade as it was absolutely pouring down and freezing (did I mention it was February).

It was a very wet and rainy end to our first day in Disneyland Paris, not that you can expect much more for the time of year. We had a great first day, and we raced home to the bath to warm up after the Parade ready to go out in Disney village for our tea. We had a lovely meal at the Rainforest Cafe in the Disney Village.
Day 2 – A Day Exploring Paris
It was always in our plan during our time at Disneyland to have a day out and have a nosy a Paris. I have never been and was dying to go. We caught the train from just outside Disneyland to the center of Paris, a journey that only takes about 40 minutes.

First glimpses of the Eiffel Tower and the sun even came out for us eventually, we had very limited time in Paris and we just had a bit of a wander round the city finding bits —-

We walked so far in Paris but really glad we had chance to stop at Louvre the Iconic glass pyramid, the worlds largest art museum.

We only saw a small portion of Paris but instead of continuing to trek until our feet fell off we decided to stop off for a relax in some cute bars nearby.

We had such a great day exploring this small corner of Paris I would love to come back and explore more of this beautiful and Romantic City we did not get to see most things we would have in this short time. Tbc Paris.

Day 3-
The Entrance to Disney village is a wacky colorful one with lots of photo opportunities. Also lots of opportunities to spend money, we frequently got a brew each morning to warm us up for the day from Starbucks here. It can be cheaper to venture out of the parks to the Disney village for lunch we found as there is also a McDonalds here.

Not sure how I managed this but got a photo with barely any people in, but I did and doesn’t it just look amazing!!

There are sooooooo many Disney snacks available all around the park. I found it very hard to say no to a mickey mouse Macaroon.

Actually the cutest buildings with so much detailing lining the walk down to the castle I mentioned earlier on Day 1.

Such a pretty snap from across Fantasyland in the Disneyland Park filled with rides for little ones where our family spent most of their time with the children (aged between 0-4).

Hope you enjoyed my little photo diary of our time in Disneyland Paris. There will be more to come following this post coming soon.
Is there anything you would like to know from our trip to Disney? Let me know in the Comments below and I will try and get back to you↓
Thank you for reading