Well Hi there! Welcome to my Travel Blog – WanderlustBee
My Background
I’m Bethan and the gal behind WanderlustBee. I am now in my early thirty’s and from a small small town in the North of England with not a lot going on but is amazingly scenic.
At University I studied at Food Science and Nutrition at The University of Leeds. I now work in a Community Dietetic Department in the NHS, I love working in Nutrition and was so glad to finally be using my degree. Whilst I love my job and learning more each day about nutrition, the body and associated illnesses.
It is travelling and visiting new places that is my passion.

I live to travel and am always looking at where I will be going next. I love immersing myself in a new cultures, seeing a new places and of course the food (you will soon find out I am a massive foodie.. helped massively by my degree and a general love for the stuff).
So.. basically I wanted to start WanderlustBee just to begin documenting my travels, with friends and my now husband George. It includes where I have been so far and my travels as and when they happen.

Why I love Travel
When I was younger I was not one of those people who grew up going on amazing trips abroad to exotic places. As a family we used to go away around the UK, Spain and France. It was only when I was in my teens and me and my sister flew in our own to Iceland to visit friends out there for three weeks on our own that I began loving travel. From there with school we went skiing with school to Salzburg, Austria. In college me and my group of friends started our annual holidays. Starting with the usual teenage haunts in Europe!
This is when my love of travel began to grow…

I was Bitten by the Travel Bug
After starting with the usual teenage haunts in Europe! I began visiting new places and city’s that made me want to see more… of Europe and the world.
Whilst at University me and some of my friends took a trip to Asia only for five weeks but that was all it took. The thrill and excitement of moving on every day or every other to a new place exploring more and more was when I was truly bitten.
✈ So far I have visited… 21 countries
✈ My favorite destinations so far… The Philippines, Thailand, Switzerland and Hungary
✈ Dream destinations… anywhere in the Asia, India, South Africa, Vietnam
Twitter: Wanderlust bee
Instagram: Wanderlustbee_
Pinterest: Wanderlust_bee
So here goes hope you enjoy lets travel together… ✈
Are you a individual or brand that has an idea and would like to work together?
I would love to hear about any opportunities whether a band or blog collaboration so visit my Contact Me page and Get in touch!!
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